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We're DX & Kaimi and we proudly present you a new quest (it's the third one by the way, here's the first and the second one, but they're in russian for now, sry guys).
We've prepared the easiest quest (however, it has some really difficult tasks, but they're towards the end of the quest).
This time you don't need to sit for hours in front of a console window. This quest is an old-style game which contains not only classic IT-tasks, but even the pile of in-game missions.
Moreover, we've added some achievements to the game, and you'll unlock them if you solve some tasks fine or for some other actions (oh we won't reveal all secrets).
You'll be able to "buy" some hints for the game using our special hint-shop. But you'll need achievement points for that.
You'll find a lot of references to familiar characters, games, films in this quest. It has some humour also :)
When you finish the quest, you'll be able to teleport to the special warp-zone which provides access any other quest map. This means you'll be able to unlock all missed achievements or just play some liked scenes again.
We hope you'll like this quest most of all. Good luck!
In honor of creating this localization we added a new secret map to the game! That map isn't somehow connected to the storyline! You can find a special way to teleport to it from the very first map (where Sonic is), also it's available from the WARP-Zone map, but using a portal won't give you an achievement :3
Some credits:
Programming (Web, game engine): DX
Programming (IT-tasks): Kaimi, DX
Story: Kaimi, DX
Texts: DX
Here're some screenshots: